Most frogs have large protruding eyes, giving them
almost 360' vision. This is needed as they don't have
very flexible necks. They can see in colour and can
have good vision for movement, even if far away.
Many frogs are nocturnal so have good night vision.
They have a mirror layer in the back of the eye (called
tapetum lucidium) that lets them reflect light at night,known
as 'eye-shine'. This gives them a kind or search light
for hunting by.
Deferent species have different sensitivity to light
depending on their habits and habitats. This can be
determined by the numbers of 'rods' and 'cones' on the
frogs retina (back of the eye). Rods are sensitive to
light and cones detect colour. Frogs have different
colour vision to humans. They find it hard to see red
light, they respond best to yellow light.